Special Events

Sensei Carl Genjo Bachmann's New Book

Sensei Carl Genjo Bachmann of Clear Mountain Zendo, together with long-term friend and associate Alan Gettis, PhD, are about to publish their first co-authored book entitled "Embracing Life as It Is: Lessons From Wabi-Sabi, Haiku, and Zen". This book combines haiku poetry, striking imagery of otherwise ordinary subjects, and Zen wisdom, so as to convey important lessons regarding selflessness, acceptance, non-discrimination, compassion, and self-compassion. The book was released on Thursday November 15, and is available on Amazon. CLICK HERE FOR LINK

The authors are donating all of their proceeds from book sales to the Saint Judes Childrens Research Hospital. Sensei Carl and Dr. Gettis thank everyone for their interest, and hope that this book will provide a positive and supportive experience to all interested in Zen, and to all who hope to "embrace life as it is".

Script for Mountain and Clarity

Clear Mountain Zen Center
80 Pompton Ave
Verona, NJ 07044

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Clear Mountain Zendo
are NOT tax-deductible.